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Can I apply for a Provisional Driving licence before I am 17?"

  •  A: Yes you can, the DVLA will accept applications for Provisional Driving Licences. You will need to apply using a D1 form or go on-line. You may apply up to 3 months before your 17th birthday. However, even though you may receive your licence before your actual birthday you will still NOT be able to start learning to drive a car until your 17th Birthday! Unless it is 'off road' and supervised on private land.

Q: "How long will it take and how many lessons to pass the driving test?"

  • A: The DVSA recommends 47 hours tuition with a qualified instructor with a further 20 or more hours of "private supervised practice". (See our homepage we offer "a supervision guidance course) however, students can complete the process in considerably less time than this. This will depend on the frequency and continuity of lessons, it will take longer and ultimately cost more if you don't have regular lessons. Beware of "silly offers" and "cheap" lessons there is a saying "You get what you pay for" and this is as true with driving lessons. With us you will receive "Full lesson time" not spend half of it sitting at the roadside.


 Q: "Do I need to pass my Theory Test before I start learning to drive?"

  •  A: No.You can start learning to drive whilst studying for your theory test at the same time. We provide a FREE Theory Tuition App, which will help you to pass the test. There are also lots of books and CD ROM's in the shops available for you to practice the theory questions and the hazard perception part of the theory test. See our 'Useful Links' page.

 Q: "I work  full time / College when can I do my lessons?"

  •  A: We can arrange your lessons around your work / college. You can have the same slot every week or it can change from week to week whichever is best suited to you, although we do advise keeping the slot arranged between you and the instructor. You can even start your lesson at home and finish at work / college or the other way around, if arranged beforehand with the Instructor.

Q. "On my first driving lesson will I be driving on a main road?"

  • A: No. On the first lesson for someone who is new to the syllabus you will start on a quiet road where there will be little or no traffic (these are nursery routes) this is both for safety and to help you with your confidence. Sometimes the more confident learners do get to go onto a main road during their first lesson.

 Q. "Other than my instructor who else may supervise me while I drive?"

  • A: If you would like to gain extra experience with your driving and you have someone willing to supervise you in between your lessons then they must have held a full driving licence for at least 3 years and be at least 21 years of age. (we offer courses to enable the supervising driver to prepare for this)

 Q. When will I know that I am ready for my driving test?

  •  A: You will know when you are ready for test, when you can drive safely and independently. At the end of most of the lessons your Instructor will complete a progress sheet with you, which will show you how well you are doing, and will highlight any areas that may need more attention. The progress sheets will help you to see when you will be ready to take your driving test, and will be mailed to you.

 Q. "How do I book my driving or theory test?"

A: You can book online

Q."What car will I use for my practical driving test?"

  • A: You can use your Instructors car for your driving test or you can use your own, it needs insurance for you as a learner to drive the vehicle and have ’L’ plates on both the front and rear (Not in the windscreen or rear window) and be in a roadworthy condition. You must attened the test with a full licence holder present. Most students use their instructor’s car; this is more advisable as this is the car that you will be most familiar with.

Q. "What is the Pass Plus course?"

  • A: Most of our students come back to us to do the Pass Plus course, this gives you further experience on other areas of driving such as Motorway's. The course consists of a further 6 hours of driving and covers areas that you may not have been able to learn before you passed your test. ie. 'Night drives'. Not only do you obtain valuable experience but we will provide you with your certificate and list of Insurance companies that offer reduced premiums for people who have completed their Pass Plus. 

Q.  “What subjects and topics will I experience during my driving course with you?”

  • You will be driving on all types of roads, Urban and Rural, you will also drive through the City Centre, (Birmingham)

Also Motorway driving, Multi-Story & busy car parks, busy roads and various traffic conditions. All the manoeuvres will be taught, including the ones that are not required on the new DVSA test.

Frequently Asked Questions: Text
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Great Tips For New Drivers


  • Concentrate, make sure that your mobile phone is completely off or at the least on silent, (preferably don't take it)

  • Make certain you wear comfortable clothing

  • Be on time don't rush to your lessons, if you are aware of a problem then contact your Instructor

  • Don't expect too much of yourself, students learn better with consistent effort and regular sessions

  • Be sure to complete work set by your Instructor

  • When on "private practice" don't get into debates with the person supervising you, things have changed with time, remember that your Instructor is teaching you with modern methods of driving. (Why not suggest one of our "supervision" sessions to them).

Handsome male driver sitting in a car an


  • Until you are certain if you think that you may have missed a road sign, then "lampposts" could mean a 30 mph speed limit unless signed otherwise

  • Look for signs consistently when driving, particularly at junctions where a different speed for the new road might be posted, 

  • Remember that "speed limits" are just that, a limit, not a target.

  • An occasional glance at your speedometer will help you keep to speed limits (glance NOT stare)

  • Use of mirrors, check in pairs when appropriate, think of the main reason that you are checking, safety!, a really good way to use them is ask yourself the question "Is it safe?" The centre mirror as the "Is it..." part of the question and the appropriate door mirror the "" part.

  • Try not to be too heavy footed, use the feet controls smoothly and progressively

  • Don't attempt to do everything at once, a lot of driving is repetitious and you will need time to "bed" this in

  • Remember to ask your Instructor to Demonstrate something if you are not sure what to do

  • Keep your head up, think of your eyes like the "Headlights", drive with your eyes on "BEAM" not "DIPPED"

  • Learn to be confident in your driving, however the best advice is 

  • If in doubt, Don't Do it"

Driving School


  • Have, Regular structured lessons

  • Have, Regular "private practice" where possible, if not then consider increasing your lessons

  •  Cost effective in the long-term!

Attractive young woman proudly showing h

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