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  • Writer's pictureDerek Francis

DVSA services: Update on industrial action

Public and Commercial Services Union (PCS) served DVSA notice of strike action on:

• 8 and 9 February – all PCS members in DVSA including driving examiners• 10 and 11 February – any PCS members in DVSA contracted to work weekends

DVSA has been working with PCS to address concerns raised about the working arrangements for driving examiners and the driving test service DVSA provides. DVSA has made an offer to PCS to end the dispute, which has been rejected.

Our customers expect a 7-day per week service, and, as a publicly funded body, DVSA wants to provide that. It's disappointing that strike action by PCS members will go ahead, impacting the services we offer our customers.

We are unable to confirm what level of impact the industrial action might have on our services. Not all DVSA staff are PCS members, and even if they are, they might choose not to strike. So, we will not know which staff are participating in strike action until it takes place.  

If your pupil has booked a test themselves

We’re contacting all of your pupils who have a test booked on one of the strike dates in an affected driving test centre.

This will tell them that they them should attend their test as planned unless DVSA contacts them. Or they can also choose to change the date of their test if they want to.   

We have also sent a message to all candidates who have a test up to and including 6 February to reassure them that their test won’t be affected by the strike action.

If you have booked a test for your pupil  

If you have booked a test for a pupil that is due to happen during the strike action, please discuss this with them to explain that their test may be affected.   

If they want you to, you can change the date of their test now through your normal online booking system. You must give at least 3 clear working days’ notice to change the test date, or you’ll have to pay again.  

If they do not want to change the date, they should turn up for their appointment as planned. If the test cannot go ahead due to strike action, it will be rescheduled for the first available date, and they’ll be able to claim out-of-pocket expenses. They must have turned up for their test to be able to do this.   

Rescheduling some tests in advance  

To help minimise the impact of the strike action we may reschedule some tests in advance.   

We will email candidates who this will affect ahead of the strike action. If you have booked a test for your pupil that is affected and you receive the message, you must let them know.  

Customer service centre  

Our customer service centre might be affected by the strike action, and it may take longer than usual to answer your query. The customer service centre will be open from 8am to 4pm on 8 and 9 February.

Keep checking for updates  

Please also keep checking your emails.   

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